Thursday, December 8, 2011

Diaper Pricing Pitfalls - How Do I Know If I Have a Good Deal?

!±8± Diaper Pricing Pitfalls - How Do I Know If I Have a Good Deal?

Diapers are confusing. They come in almost uncountable varieties, brands, styles and more. Most brands have at least two or three different types of disposable diapers - for example, Pampers has Cruisers, Baby Dry, Swaddlers and Sensitive. After you weed through the type, you buy a package of diapers, including; convenience packs, economy packs, jumbo packs, bulk packs, jumbo box, value box, economy box... What is worse is that many places who sell diapers will actually sell up to 10 to 15 different package styles of the same style of diaper. An example of this is sells 11 different packages (not sizes, packages) of Pampers, Size 3 diapers, of which there are 6 different options of purchasing Pampers Cruisers. Now the purpose of an online store is to give the customer variety, but grocery stores are not much better. A recent trip to Target gave the author the option of purchasing 16 different types of Pampers, of which there were six different package quantities of Pampers Cruisers.

So, how do you make sense out of all this? Well, generally, it is true that the largest package is the best deal. Back to and their Cruisers, the largest package ranges in price per diaper of Body.2687 for size three to Body.4299 for size 6. However, buying just a slightly smaller quantity only increases your price per diaper by Body.0170 (size 3) to Body.0048 (size 6). In essence, there is almost no difference in prices, except that, based on average diapers used in a specific stage, the price savings from size 3 to size 6 will save you 5 over the time your child is in diapers.

Why would you buy a pack for less when you can get more? The answer is simple, and that is in the risk of having unused diapers. For example, assuming again specific averages of time spent in a specific size, buying the package that has more diapers will create 308 unused diapers, while the smaller package will only leave you with 112 unused diapers. Meaning, if you buy the bigger package, you will spend 0.37 on diapers that would not go to use, versus only .30. However, this means that you are buying two extra packages of the largest size, and one full extra package of the smaller size.

So, is the answer to buy smaller packages? Smaller packages do not offer better pricing, although, some pricing is decent, especially if you are not able to spend a pop for the biggest packages. In fact, when looking at packages priced at .99, the price per diaper was only Body.3016 to Body.4860 for size 3 and size 6 respectively. This means there is only a per diaper price difference of Body.06 to Body.08. This does add up though, and from the cheapest price to this one means that overall, you would spend an extra 6 on diapers. However, when looking at two other packages, one sells for .99 and another for .99, this skews the pricing. Both offer near identical pricing, except for a key difference, the package sold for .99 in sizes 4,5,6 is actually cheaper, by roughly Body.02 to Body.03 per diaper. The .99 packages offer a better deal than the more expensive package, except for size 3, which is only Body.005 per diaper higher. However, buying either of these two packages routinely will still cost 7 more than buying the cheapest diapers.

Finally, the worst offender is the "convenience" package. Even on, where the site is supposed to offer some of the best prices on diapers - which it does for the most part - will ultimately break your budget. At .29 per package, this only saves you roughly .00 per package over the .99 pack, but, and this is a huge but, the price per diaper increases dramatically $.10 to $.14 per diaper more than the cheapest package. This creates an overall extra cost of 6 (based on average diaper use).

The final way to compare diapers is to look at the package that is the best deal and then figure out what the savings are versus the cheaper package. For example, the best deal (in size 3) is .99 for 160 diapers. Compare this to the packages at .49, .99 and .29 that have 76, 116 and 31 diapers respectively. This means, that when you buy any of the following, you are actually spending .29, .28 and .30 less buying the biggest package over the convenience packages.

Keep in mind that the previous discussion only concerns diapers from one size, at one store, and that store is a discount store that prides itself on offering the best prices. When buying diapers at a local store, the pricing changes dramatically.

The database used shows [1] that there are substantial price differences in diapers. The average lowest cost per diaper is Body.22, and the highest average cost is $.51. Therefore, this means you would spend over ,025.88 extra on diapers. If you have twins, triplets or quads, you might as well multiply this by that number, which is a decent used car, or a down payment on a new house. To demonstrate the difference in product prices, a comparison of the price difference by brand, type, size and the lowest and highest prices. The price differences range from a mere Body.04 per diaper to Body.37 per diaper. This means that again, based on that 7,000 figure, there is a potential of paying nearly ,570 more for diapers. Even at Body.04 per diaper though, based on 7,000 diapers, you are spending 0 more on diapers. Of course, the average price difference in the database was Body.15 per diaper, or ,057.75. The final thing to note is that the pricing database does not list sale prices, but only the regular prices. In addition, the database does not record "convenience" packages, or other items that are clearly a bad deal.

Lastly, buying diapers on sale or by using coupons can further decrease the cost per diaper by Body.05 to sometimes Body.10 or more. This adds up quickly, and can decrease your costs dramatically. Just saving Body.05 per diaper average, on the lowest prices (on average from the database), could mean paying only 0 for your baby's diapers. This is a stark contrast to the average highest price, which would mean you would pay (on average) Body.39 per diaper or ,701.91.

[1]This compares only Huggies, Pampers and Luvs, and in the common sizes. In addition, the author removed" Warehouse" store packages, along with preemie and newborn sizes to illustrate an apples-to-apples comparison.

Diaper Pricing Pitfalls - How Do I Know If I Have a Good Deal?

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Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Get Free Diapers

!±8± How to Get Free Diapers

One of the most expensive costs for your baby are diapers and wipes. You'll go through them very quickly and soon the costs will rise. Brands such as Pampers, Huggies, Luvs and many others have monthly drawings, sweepstakes and contests giving away free diapers for a year. This is a good deal for moms who recognize that the costs for diapers and wipes is becoming more and more expensive.

Companies such as Kimberly Clark which produce Huggies want you to use their name brands so they give away tons of free diapers. In the United States or Canada, visit the huggies website and sign up online in order to join Huggies' mailing list. For new and expecting parents this is where you will free diaper samples and receive coupons for Huggies diapers, wipes, and other promotional items at no charge.

Huggies Pull Ups - Pull Ups are diapers for older babies or toddlers, possibly ages two and up. They provide elastic waist bands this allow your toddler to pull up their diaper which acts like underwear. As you child becomes more independent and as you begin potty training, these are the perfect diapers. When you click Huggies online, you may request a free sample and get coupons for Huggies pull ups.

Huggies Pure and Natural - Another diaper that is given away is the Huggies Pure & Natural diaper. It's fairly new in order to the market and it's unique. Unlike most diapers, these are all natural and have Aloe & Vitamin E. Why? They're made for babies that have sensitive skin so they're hypoallergenic.

How to Get Free Diapers

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Luvs Diapers From A Parent's Perspective

!±8± Luvs Diapers From A Parent's Perspective

Luvs diapers are the lesser-known brand amongst the most popular diaper companies. In fact, many people haven't even heard of Luvs despite having to provide care for new babies and young children who need diapers. That said, some new parents use and like them, the high price of Huggies and Pampers having driven them to try Luvs diapers as an alternative. I tried many types of diaper brands with my children when they were young, Luvs diapers among them. In this review, I'll a few things from my experience that will help you decide whether you should give them a try.

Can Luvs Stop Leakages While Staying Dry?

Luvs diapers can absorb moisture and wetness better than most diaper brands. They come with flaps in the front and back that are extremely wide, helping to prevent leakages. Oddly, the diapers are thinner than other brands that are highly-absorbent. This is great for babies who are walking or crawling because the lightweight nature of the diaper prevents them from feeling heavy.

Luvs also comes with what they call a "Leakguard Guarantee." Basically, if you buy the diapers and aren't satisfied by how the prevent leakage, you can get a refund for the cost of the diapers. Personally, when using them, I never saw leakage. But, there's a first time for everything. So, the Leakguard Guarantee may come in handy for you.

Are Luvs Diapers As Comfortable As They Claim?

If you have never used Luvs diapers for your child, you may be surprised by how soft these diapers are. Luvs Corp. actually uses the comfort and coziness of their diapers as a primary selling point. They come with side tabs that are small and unlikely to touch or pinch your child's skin. Luvs diapers also have high elasticity in the sides which hug your child's thighs and makes it easier to move around. As your baby approaches the six-month mark, he or she will likely be crawling (or even walking) quite a bit. The elasticity helps make them comfortable while doing so.

Luvs - The Low Price Contender

As mentioned earlier, the price of Luvs diapers is one of the reasons people try them. With other brands (namely Huggies and Pampers) carrying lofty prices, the brand is an economical alternative. If you're on a tight budget, consider trying Luvs for your baby. Don't let the low price fool you, though. Most people I've talked to have great things to say about the brand.

Should You Use Luvs Diapers For Your Child?

Every diaper brand has good and bad things about them. Luvs diapers are a great choice for those families who are on a budget and need a reliable diaper for their child. For the price, the diapers offer a high level of comfort, good ability to soak up wetness (with an extra inner layer) and a design that is excellent for providing your child with mobility while preventing leaks. Luvs are available in most grocery stores, but you can often find great deals online. Try these diapers with your child and you may find little need to try other brands.

Luvs Diapers From A Parent's Perspective

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

!±8± How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

Diapers alone for the first year can cost 00 or more.

It is tempting to buy a small package of diapers because it seems cheaper at first.

Newborns grow very fast, however, and if you buy too many 1s or 2s you may be left with diapers you can't use. You may find that you can use the store brand diapers as they get older but I have always tried them and gone back to name brand.

On average a Jumbo pack of diapers cost .00 for about 40 diapers. This is average for Pampers, Huggies, and LUVS. You are paying approximately .26 per diaper this way. This is the average cost for 40 diapers Size 3.

For size 5 you will get about 30 diapers for .37 each for Pampers and Huggies at .00 for a Jumbo pack.

LUVS size 5 Jumbo pack of 30 diapers is .28 (each diaper) at .49 per pack.

For Extra Large Packages, LUVS are cheaper running about a box for sizes 3,4, and 5.

LUVS Extra Large Boxes run just a few cents cheaper than Pampers about .18 - .24 cents each.

Pampers Extra Large Boxes are about a box about .21 - .28 cents each.

LUVS and Pampers give you about 30-40 more diapers than Huggies Extra Large box at about .23 - .29 each.

So how can you beat these prices?

There are several ways:

Save your coupons!

If you haven't been saving your coupons you can buy them at a very low cost.

Another way to save is to comparison shop online. You can sign up to receive money back for your purchases and use discount codes at 1800diapers, etc.

Sign up at websites to receive coupons in the mail.

CVS will even let you use regular diaper coupons for pull-ups and pull-ups coupons for diapers and Goodnights, plus you can receive extra care bucks at at CVS.

Walmart usually has the best prices and they will beat competitor ads.

Want to know more?

How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby Diapers - How to Get the Best Deals

!±8± Baby Diapers - How to Get the Best Deals

Every parent has the right to get the best baby diapers for their new family member. Following this notion, parents have the right to get a product that provides ultimate leak protection, excellent comfort, and maximum absorbency. There are several quality brands available including Pampers, Huggies and Luvs to name a few. Anyone who has ever shopped for these brands knows all too well that they are expensive. Below are some tips to get the best deals on baby diapers.

One of the best ideas is to go to your favorite brand's website and sign up for their email list and/or their club membership. Once you do so, they will start sending emails with valuable coupons for their different products. This is a great way to save a substantial amount of money because they send these coupons out all the time.

Another tip to find deals on diapers is to look online. If you go to Google and type in "diapers", millions of results will show up. If you are like me, you don't have the patience to weed through the thousands of pages looking for deals. But one way to quickly weed through these results is to get more specific with your search by adding words like "on sale", "coupons", "free shipping", just to name a few. Another online strategy is to use one of the many shopping comparison sites. I personally use Bizrate, but there are several to choose from. What's great about these sites is that you can type in your baby diaper product name and it will bring back results from several online retailers. You can then sort by price and find the best deal.

One last tip to get great savings on baby diapers is to shop at a wholesale club like Costco. These types of stores offer substantial savings versus buying in a grocery store. The reason is that they offer bulk pricing, so as the quantity is increased, the costs will go down.

In this day and age, with the recession becoming worse, saving money is a must. Try these tips and I guarantee you will find the best deals on baby diapers.

Baby Diapers - How to Get the Best Deals

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